to my best knowledge they give off the smell for defense! ive heared the exact same thing! but as far as i kno they do it wen they are feeling stressed or aggitated...
no we just think that u should be truithgful and own up to what the fuck u type!ur wrong u cannot burn a plant that has no nutes!!!!! end of story and prolly the most retarted shit ive ever come across
as posted be4 this is one of the many reason as to why a plant needs a night peroid....and that def, dont sound like sleeping.......
The Calvin cycle (The Nonlight Requiring Reactions)
The Calvin cycle is a metabolic pathway found in the stroma of the chloroplast in which carbon enters in...
man that clearly only saays closed leaves at night are sleeping says nothing of a plants processes only states a leaf that curls up to protect it self is sleepin...dnt quite see how they get that but once again if a plant is doing everything, if not more than it does during the day other than...
lol i ahve also touched on the point that many of the authors in his links refer to the leaves as being in a sleeping state but still they use the word sleep only to communicate a meaning...and even so they are not talkin about the plant they are talkin abou the curling or drooping of leaves...
this my friend is the exact point the good ppl of this thread are trying to get across! time was waitsed in arguing this point so that the less educated dont stuble across the misinformation on threads such as this and interpret it to be facts! i call them out as i see em and i stand strong for...
it amazeas me how u turned an intelectual debate into a day long rant of irrelevant oppinionated, bullshit! i understand u wur simply trying to get a point across but when u find litterally nothing to prove wur u are coming from its just oppinon! im sorry u are not capable of changing facts! i...
Date: Thu Mar 9 09:34:18 2000
Posted By: Peter Minorsky, Faculty, Biology and Environmental Sciences, Western Connecticut State University
Area of science: Botany
ID: 952459434.Bt
Dear Henry:
Your question is a good one. In winter, many trees lose their leaves and the shoots of many...
but since i kno ur gonna be stuck on thinkin that they sleep during winter here is a link that explains whats goin on and what they really do and how they dont sleep and then wake up...........
kid again why are u goin off topic if already proved to u the process it goes throught to get ready for winter and thats not sleeping! but bac to the fact that plants dont sleep at night because for some reason u cant seem to keep urself on topic...
u said the sleep not me man i really think u have problems...and a tree shutting itself down so that it can survive winter is a completely different subject than what we are growing wen im sleeping but im not working! im not conciously burning and creating food! stop trying to say...