gansgter yo! lol
just fitted that filter, fucking long arse thing, graft that was, been 32 here today, so thats how warm my tent is, nothing van be done.
dog day 55 today 6 day sinto ripen, fucker gets more and more solid, exo is roughly 6 weeks in, she aint gunna be a big yeilder but il...
u still mainlining zedd? now i got my veg temps down i could have a go at that. slow as fek growth with them hot temps
getting oe of these for veg and one for flower...
total waste of money then, makes u think wats the fucking point? but saying that its only on loan. needs to be tuned up with quad turbos n NOS kit. with hugggger intercooler on front
lol yeh they was fucked but yeilded nr 6 oz each with short veg, shame it was big buddha blue cheese but stil,,,,,,,,,,,
little gurl just got up, came down , grabbed a ice cream, donned her cossy and in the pool she went
fucking pool was a godsend
6" inlet into a shoebox sit it on your window sill on the inside, people will never know
fucking thought u paddies wer bang on camoflague and shit?
quality pic gary, but id say thats more ghbs neck of the woods. im in a classy area now yo!
yeh gunna crack sum 12-12 then reveg when sex is shown
the smokes nice and mellow, not a fan of hazes often but its not so bad on the haze side.
with haze it seems ther is a very fine line between the fruityness (for instance) and the pepperyness of the haze and its a matter of getting it...
wasent we self sufficiant at one point? we hve oil for pertrol no?
fuk teh world, thats what camron would be like.couldnt have thelikes of us earning or possible earhig more than cameron of drugs oh no,no,no,
well u know i oculdnt care about euro and that BUT if they said look legalize and stay in or keep a
s we are and leave eu
fuk yeh stay in ori s that selfish?
i this the first in EU? firs step towards legalization and taxation
which imo i dont mind, id gladley bin the hid if they made it legal like in hollland only outside ect, im not blind to the dangers of hid lighst ect inside