ive read that the bottom leaves begin dying to compensate for deficiencies. the plant starts drawing the excess nutes out of those leaves to feed the plant , resulting in your death. i really think it just depends on personal preference. if what i said up there is true , then as long as your...
you need to remember that the a/c will draw in from your rooms air and blow it out the exhaust releasing your potent smells. it would be wise of you to spend the money and buy a dual hose model the first time around. Do your research on a/cs for grows and you will see that this is an issue...
i dunno , i guess depends on what you consider pros and cons. The medium is inert and doesnt hold nutrients. So essentially its kind of like growing hydroponically because you are controlling what the plant gets and what doesnt.
pros are
it can be more forgiving than soil if you need to...
heres my girls , my camera phone ... which is all i have at the moment wont zoom in ont he brown spots. the spots didnt get any bigger but yellowed a littl ebit around the brown. they plants are smaller than they should be small cause a) i didnt transplant them early enough the first time. b)...
your gonna get your grow perfect man. Any questions you need answered im here , and if i dont know , there are people who are gurus on this site who i can ask.