You need new lights those are wrong, those dont give the plant the right spectrum . You need some Metal halide or High pressure sodium, But if you on a budget you can probally get by with some florecents
well if its just 24 hours they will be off, it should not be to bad for them
I have had timer problems while camping and they were off for around 2 days and everything came out alright
Ebay is where I got my first starter light, check there or any hydro shop on the web or if you live by a indoor plant store. and for just pracitce your Miracle Grow should be alright get the bloom formula, but if you are going to get serious about the hobby you need to check into some other...
it is hard to tell from those picture's, but in the first picture all I see is a few hairs started to dry up which is normal towards the end. I have seen some mold that is brown but it turns the bud to like mush
this is where I get all my stuff American Agriculture - Your year round indoor gardening/hydroponics supply store. but shop around a little and check ebay out I have bought a few things off there also
it is risky but you can get them to you in the U.S.
I go threw Dr Chronics Cannabis seeds bank and have had a very good turn out, probally 10 shipments have made it without problem :peace:
I keep mine at around 80 F, and try my best to keep the humidty at 100%
and I get a very good success rate. so I think your numbers are fine just maybe try to raise your humidty a little