Yea It takes place in liberty city, the same one in GTA 3 and if I remember correctly it has motorcycles In it too. I think its pretty much all the Shit from vice city in liberty city. Fuck dude vice city... going to play that Shit tonight.
Rockstar is pretty gangster... I've never played Chinatown wars, I think it was a psp game then ported over to ps2.
Anyone played manhunt? Very fucked game.
Kitty I have a question do you do custom work? I'm looking into putting a glass cool tube in my cab to cool a 70w hps.
I just need a glass tube open on both ends
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck mobile eBay and paypal, I just spent 30 fucking minutes registering to buy something then it tells me I need to be on a real computer fucking waste of time fuck.
For me to "rip" on it, its all about the technique. You gently inhale vapors for about 5 sec then flip the product over and hit it again (while holding In the first hit) I can take some massive hits using this method.
Inhaling through your nose delivers a pretty potent hit too.
My pop gave me a massive bag of seeds he has collected over 15 years. I started sorting out the viable seeds and found some ancient weed... I vaporized it and I definitely got me high but tasted fugly.