Where can i find a hygrometer? And about how much will it run me? Thanx for this thread ima new grower about to harvest for tha very first tyme and this info really helps to understand things a lot better +rep my friend and thanx again.
I dnt know exactly wht strain i just know they are sativa. I'm growing one out i got frm tha same guy she's about 4 feet tall and got some nice size budz and she's only like 4 and a half weeks into flower.
Man you and Double jj are really showing us where Mary Jane got her nic name trees frm i can't wait to see wht kind of yields you guys get. And i'm a noob so you guys really give me hope n make me wanna learn everything i can about how to grow monsters like you guys. Thanx for this i'm scribed...
I bought mine frm a local smk shop n paid 30bucs. Then 3 days later i went to tha Shack to price some cooling fans for my DIY grow cab and saw it for $12.99. Need less to say i fell real stooooopid.
Double jj you are tha man those are beautiful WEED STALKS =) . Forget a plus rep. You get a plus rep, a salute, a high five and a hats off for this grow you are a true inspiration especially to us newbies. I've heard off ten and eleven plus foot tall plants but yours are tha first i've actually...
Whts up you guys this is for anyone out their looking for or about to buy a 420 scope. I walked into Radio Shack to check tha prices on their computer fans, when i stumbled over a minnie microscope tht looked alot like tha 420 scope i just paid 30 bucs for in their for only 12.99. I fell real...
Wht up fam just read you post i'm not in new york but i would love to trade some west coast sativa seeds for some of those east coast indica genes if this sounds lyk something you would be interested in hit me up.
How you doing for some reason when i try and post pics it says my address dosent exists can you please see if you can fix this for me thank u and keep up tha good work love tha RIU fam