how the fuck did you guys get crappy weed when i was 12 i was getting some fucking bomb and i didnt even smoke hahahaha i always had a connect 4 a- and up grade 10 a eighth tho
ok thank you now just got to tell my girl im going indoor not outdoor this year and start buying il get pics up as soon as i start
my set up is a two drawer dresser with out the drawers a pwer strip on the top with cfl adapters and y spliters zip tied
also is it true that most light comes from the side of the cfls not the tip if so how should i change my set up because i was planing to put the strip on top with the adapters and y spliters
im starting my ghetto grow soon i have a question though im going to connect a power strip inside the bainet on top and use those little thing u put cfls on and just connect to ligh and y splitters since there upside down do you think they will fall down? is it a fire hazard?