So fdd what is your ratio grams per tsp.????? that is what I am trying to find out in all these recipes.. I want to know pretty close to how much I am taking in to see if it is worth the money to even cook with it.:dunce:
First if this works, & some try it just give me my I have been searching for a recipe that will send you flying with the least amount of food, but with good flavor, I got screwed up on 2 firecrackers, :spew: and that was it I said there has to be a better way to do this(besides...
So u are telling me no one knows a good recipe even one I could split in half..... Come on I am banking on you older more experienced tokers, I am one youngin that would like the advise and help from the experienced, & wise ones.
I am in search of a recipe for a cookie that has the herb in it as I don't want to take the time to make cannabutter right now. I need these cookies to be potent.....very potent. These will be used for a medical patient that is unable to smoke herb. So I want a potent cookie, that the yeild is...
We are currently growing Hollands Hope and it is doing well our likes to be tied down... and we prune the tops at least 2 time during veg. we veg for about 5-6 weeks... supposta be a good stone and smoke I can wait we have like 6 months b4 we get any..... GL with yours......:blsmoke:
You are making my mouth water, and she isn't even near finished...UGH!!! Some people have all the luck.....I love ya fdd, I don't know if I will ever see buds like that....I hope, one can