Two that I think are female at about 35 days. One I topped for the Uncle Ben 4 cola method, I also pinched out the tops on each of the 4 tips.. The other is def. female and is very squat and extremely bushy. New sites starting all up and down and lots of little hairs everywhere. Looks prolific...
I think topping is a good idea- if you are ambitious check out this link:
I flip after they show sex (5-6 wks) and usually a little longer, 7 or 8. That's all individual style, though- some go...
Not shown- a Spacedawg that just opened and a Snowdawg that is really slow, didn't want to grow 2nd set of leaves. Only got 1 out of 3, pale seeds that looked transparent and waterlogged after soaking. I have 2 seeds left of it, one is dark and stripey so it should be good but the other is quite...
I grew a C+ freebie a while ago, when I harvested I found 3 seeds from an unknown male. One was male, one I dropped, and this one survived. I topped it in veg but it's still gigantic at 30 days. smells nice, sweet citrus.
Mystery plant, I found this growing in a pot with a nearly finished LA Conf., although I don't think this came from it. Tall and lanky, pleasant smell. Will be 5 wks on Monday.
Aphrodite (Kannabia) non-auto variety. 7 wks today, couldn't be any more solid. This is a short plant but the yield looks phenomenal for it's size, would make a great stealth choice. Dense and solid with big chunky nugs- the aroma has been strong but not particularly pleasant. That's changing...