ive been up its 312 in the am here lmao reading and shit there is sooooo much to learn from this website! also started journal. but another thing that i have learned from another post is you can actually use the pollen hes giving off to strain later just put paper down around him and let him...
okay were about 15-20 days in to growing have lights set up was a little warm for her today like you can see in the pic showing temp its like mid 80s which is a lil high!!... hint the freezer packs just put down before pics to cool off a lil more with help of fans. i changed fan method i put one...
here are a few pics with brief explanation
pic #1
only thing new here is the light fixture on left its four t12 cool white 4 ft flouros.
pic#2 got ph tester and temp.
pic #3 two fans blowin into the room
pic#4 gloomy plant lol the fans were in the room before i put them out on this...
here are four of the growth so far still not much progress. but is growing slowly.
note: on this day i added a light fixture 4ft tall four bulb flouro with T12's in all four. and on this day threw one of the reg t12s and put a warm violet spectrum light to the x2 light hood thats there.(guess...
17th first three pics
18th last three pics
below justa cpl pics of growth not much to be seen, but the leaves have all gotten a lil bigger but thats about it! =)
its the 16th and i took half the day off work to spend some denero!! lol
pic #1 and #2 just growth (FOUR new little leaves!) lol just from the previous setup this is in the morning on the 16th.
pic #3 and #4
the new lighting- 7 cfls total 50/50 bulb(15 bucks petsmart) still with 1 cfl that i...
same setup day later still no payday one more day for that!! lol here are just some pics of the plant and the growth cant tell much from last pics but there is a lil growth goin on lmao(the leaves have actually gotten longer if you actually compare lol)
okay new to this site and new to jounal first one!! so dont beat me up!! thanks lol
okay here we go im going to kind of start off with pics of it from like a week from seed although i am like 15 days around 3 wks into grow just want the experiance and want first journal to be a fun ride lmao(...
that actually leads to my next question! lol "shes" like 3 weeks old she she be alot bigger then that? ive know that sativa usually takes a lil longer to grow but damn! lol umm not sure any advice? i personally think that its too small for 3 ive seen people on here that say two weeks 4 or 5...
yea man the leaves and shit you can use to make butter and cookin shit! with the seeds i believe they are all goin to be males if im right! lol not 100% but yeah think you get males and bout the lights i mean like boxofstankey said the more light the better! =) and as close as you can get them...
its good to hear you got the male away from the females if thats what the babies are no way to tell right now! =( ide just pull the male unless you plan on keepin it for making new strains or trying to make a seed plant. whats the temp in that roo m?? 81 still? o and btw carpet retains heat you...
also another considered problem my freakin ph is at a mid 7 (NO BUENO) again hope (she!! hoping!!) is gonna last till this weekend work wierd sched so dont have time any small sugestions like a natural ph down mat??
this is 6 days after the first pics on thread much growth most was just from the two 4ft bulbs and as of saturday it now has six there is a significant amnt of heat which is why my plant is a lil gloomy totally forgot to open closet b4 work today and set fans blwing into the closet area with...
i have 6 flouros goin ea pushin 40w 4 of them reg cool whites, one warm bulb, and one plant bulb give a kinda warm violet spectrum and 6cfls one 50/50 actinic and 5 reg 13w a total of 380 watts would it be good or bad?? and im definatley doin a 400w hps for flower but thats long to come i think...
bro if im correct which i think i am please dont bash if im not right, but you NEED to get the male away from others pull it or somethin unless you plan on using later to create new strains i believe its lettin polen off like mating with the females bro! they are going to hermi if thats all...