can i have a emal my brother does graphic artwork
the first two i want to know how much longer well on all of them theyre just bag seed in az
btw the first two pic im asking if i harvest let sat in 2 days dry cure freeze n make bho how good u think itll be
thank you one is looking a lil frostyer than the other and just all aaround bigger and and thats the only thing i added besides the natural soil native to my cribbo
s it good for flowering abots 3.5 months flower ill have pics up later
tttttttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkkkkk you inadvance
i got prescribed alrprazolam for tmj n i got some fire oz some kush ut its fire ill post pics later but any ways whats up just bored chillin cheefn bumpb cheef keef n bickin beein boool n some cuurr$y wass up wit yall