Try using a eyedropper to drop a little water on the heads that don't pop. It softens them up and they will slide right off with a tooth pick, or a pair of tweezers. That's what I do, and it works great for me.
Its hydro so over water is not the problem. Check you grow temps in your hydro system, and in the grow room. Also whats the PH of your system. It should be at 5.8 or as close as you can to it. It will go up sometimes when you add nuts.
It may be nothing but it kinda looked like your leave tips around the edges are curled up a little. If so. You might want to raise the light up JUST A LITTLE not a lot. But that 1 leave looks like damage. Do you have a cat. If so. It's been chewing on your grow man. I know my cat loves pot leaves.
Sure looks to me like stunting from over nuts. I know I have done it myself to many times. But it looks like it is recovering very nicely. I agree a light whisper of air over the seedlings I have found to be best. It helps to strengthen the stems. Is this your first grow. If so you are doing...
Get the PH of the water right, and leave them alone. They will stand up when there ready If your using tap water. Fill a bucket and let sit overnight before use. then get the PH right and use.
Ya know. I really wanted to read this thread. But dam there is just to much BS with that 80mg dude. I couldn't get past the second page. Just got sick of reading the BS. So sorry man I'm gone.
Good luck and good growing man
I grow a auto strain from dutch breed called short term amnesia that is a 3 to 4 foot plant. It has no smell at all. But I also grow a auto called Kentucky Bluegrass (my own strain), and this is a short 1 to 2 foot plant. I swear 1 little plant smells so bad they get a wiff of it in the next...
Ok I'm not a expert. But I do have some suggestions. First off do your last transplant just before you start flowering cycle. Maybe a week to a week and a half before. Transplanting is a shock to the root system and the plant will need time to recover. Also when you start flowering you want the...
Man if you have the money. You should make a add for TV condemning there actions and explaining the poor treatment you received at there establishment. Air it on the local channels. You would be supprized at the ass kissing they will do to get you to pull the add. Remember they hate negative...
Wow. Getting some great response guys thanks. Tonight we will start with the copping down of the plant. The plant I'm useing today is a Purple jem autoflower. This is a 2 foot plant with a trim weight of about 1.25 OZ or 35 to 40 grams. After drying and curing. It will get trimmed off the stems...
No I never said I know a thing I said I will explain in detail what I do. In hopes that some can benefit from it and some that may be more experienced than myself can point me in a derection that can improve my work. As far as the other half of that statement. I think if you look over all my...
Sorry for starting out so harsh. But dam you guys. I'm getting sick of all the I know better and you can'ts. around here. I thought this was a place were you could come and learn from each other. On a subject that we all seem to hold a interest in. Now I will be the first to admit that I...
Hey hey guys. Glad to see you all. That is a Atom Smasher. It retails for $150.00. Yeah lots of fun. But don't try to smoke any thing but concentrate out of it. I tried.:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall: