so your going with the generalization that all plants with their coty's shouldn't be fed?
what about my 1 month old plants that still have them...and are in hydro.???
and let's take hydroponics out of the equation, hes in soil.
and lets assume a soil other then MG with some time release in...
have something to do with my post? in the other thread?
why would you post this in newbie central of all places?
and I'll go ahead and retort to your question in the appropriate thread.
before you just go and buy a fire extinguisher. Please read this:
different types for different fires.
in a 120 year old house (assuming the electrical hasn't been redone(which im sure it has) I'd be looking for a class C.
In my experience, the buds that receive the least amount of light die back the fastest.
I hate the whole "top buds mature faster then lower ones"
I got over 1000 pictures that proves that statement incorrect.
for example my skunk #1 right now 7 weeks in, has 4 main colas, none of which...
........I steal from Hollywood............. EVERYDAY.
petty shoplifting???? .......nah I got too much $$ and to much to lose to be caught doing that shit.
Well I didnt know anything of indoors other then some clones and moms under some T12's when I was a kid.
I come from a long list of "farmers".
Everything was outdoors when I was young just learning. maybe I'm behind the times.
I know the first one has been around since 07. I just watched it three days ago.
I found the second one much more fun to watch. (not because the religion thing in the first one bothers me....I dont believe in god anyways).
but this "venus" project...
I just did a 1/2 gal coco grow. turned out nice.
Someone somewhere, on here has a signature or something thats says "root bound is nothing more then a state of mind"
all it requires it proper watering.
I've had plants in solo cups for going on almost month and a half...beautiful and green.