The LP/MMPR is worse than an insult, so was the MMAR.
I was part of the MMAR and am a LP wanna be, I dont agree with much of the regulations and laws we are forced to abide by, but I do my best to put the needs of Canadians who chose to use cannabis as a medicine above those of HC and our...
He says in the video they have their cultivation license and are just waiting on their distribution portion from HC. He did have similar looking GH photo's on his site back in the day.
Hard to say.
Either way the video's and what he's saying are not very inspiring, seems like just...
Wonder what they are going to charge for their cannabis? I get incredibly frustrated with folks who have acres and acres of greenhouse and are going to exploit the patient and plant.
Hi Kat, I can help but notice you spelled my name wrong.
Also I dont think it would do any harm to let people know you work for
How about sharing the Charlotts Web? If you get me a cut I will plant several hundred thousand of them in the spring and sell the oil at...
Tommy: Let's think about this for a sec, Ted. Why would somebody put an organic label on a box? Hmmm, very interesting.
Ted Nelson, Customer: Go on, I'm listening.
Tommy: Here's the way I see it, Ted. Guy puts a fancy organic label on a box 'cause he wants you to feel all warm and toasty...
Naive Gazing? Thats sure a polite way to put it.
HC is literally criminally negligent and responsible for the prevention of dieing sick people from having proper access to relief and medication. Those involved in HC and the Gov should be held accountable and punished for their crimes against...
Outta the 1000+ applicants that do not have a license, I wonder how many are jealous of the dispensaries in Vancouver, shipping country wide, buds, hash, oil, edibles, tincures, store fronts, no snow in the winter...
Hey, I appreciate the points for plastic, there are merits and downsides to both and we are going to be exhausting the debate before we ship, you have opened our minds to glass not being the best.
Regular wide mouth jars have a different threaded closure size/rating than any child safe cap ive...
Hi Particle,.
Cheap is not the reason, its a bonus. Our wide mouth glass jars are likely much more expensive than any approvable alternative. I said it was cheaper than regular store bought mason jars which are quite expensive, and not approvable. The point is/was that going glass is not very...
Hey oddish, Chad McLachlan here. Thanks for checking us out. Our priority is ensuring a quality product, glass jars are the best solution for quality. It would suck to have to carry around a jar to prove your legal, no denying that, we have some solutions we are working on to minimize the...