Same price as the LP's offering CBD oil and same price Ive seen on the "open" market, $100/gram or 10¢/mg. I hear its quite a bit more affordable in Colorado, $30 - $60 for distillates or crystals.
I sent a request to give my input or be a part of the process, as a grower and medical user, in the middle of November. Her canned response was that they the task force would be made up of health and law enforcement experts. Maybe I'll resend that request.
Saskatchewan Cannabis Dispensary Converts to Canopy Growth Certified Partner
April 27, 2016
Tweed and Bedrocan Canada Collaborate with Cannabis Health Clinic to Enroll Cannabis...
He fought the good fight, was a leader and force that will remain and be remembered by our community and in our hearts. A true cannabis lover and good person. Love you always, Marc!
So what is he actually saying?
Is he realizing the common voice of the cannabis user, medical or non, is not on their "side" and now they need a voice to help against their potential competition from Shoppers and pharmacists?
Seems like a tall order, could you imagine being in their position...
Health Minister @janephilpott tells the #UnitedNations the govt is setting Spring 2017 date for intro of marijuana legislation.
I cannot grasp this at all. Seven hectares and 500 dump trucks of soil!? There are thousands of hectares of the same crop being grown all across the country without the input or startup costs of having to truck in thousands of yards of soil or purchase "premium" real estate. Crazy.
Kinda really ignorant that a senator is concerned about amnesty for travelers with prior convictions, meanwhile there are canadians in jail for being gardeners.
Seems, overall like a receptive and positive sounding discussion. One mention of restricting home growing. Its obvious the only opposing stance or talking point is youth access and mental health, which is tight stance for a prohibitionist to be on.
I think I already shared, I like the idea of one membership/application to access multiple dispensaries and producers direct, seems like they need more vendors/products though...