I've been to many of these "other parts of the world", and even fucked a few of the natives. They like their tits played with just as much as American women. Most of those countries just don't have an issue with images of the boobies. Titties are food factories and sex toys! Maybe if there were...
I'm not standing up for anybody. Hell, I may be one of these "douche bags" you speak of! Just trying to keep it real. Posting pm's is against the rules for a reason, and 2 wrongs don't make a right.;-)
"A male nipple is exactly the same as the female nipple"????:shock::???:
The female booby is revered because of it's ability to provide the perfect food for human babies. It symbolizes the bond between mother and child, the ability to nurture, and they are just so AWESOME...
It's a privately owned site. Mods can do whatever the owner/admin says they can do. Private messages are exactly that.......PRIVATE!!!!!!!! If you have a problem with something someone has said to you through pm's, you always have the option of forwarding it to another mod or admin so they can...
I think that people keep completely overlooking how the towers were constructed and the role it played in the collapse. The towers were built to withstand dynamic loading, ALL buldings have to be built to withstand SOME dynamic loading, but engineers made some critical mistakes when factoring in...
I love it when people compare things that by their very nature cannot be compared! The entire buildings weren't turned into "dust" either. They had thousands of tons of concrete (the floors) that were pulverized. Cars typically contain ZERO concrete, therefore they cannot be pulverized...
I did not write this, but it is very relevant when discussing the twin towers or bldg. 7. I included the link at the bottom.
Apples and oranges my friend. This building didn't have a jumbo jet slam into it and was constructed differently that the WTC towers were. It was similar, but had a concrete reinforced core...........and it suffered a partial collapse.
Due to the construction of the towers, I don't believe this was necessary to initiate global collpase. It quite possibly happened, I don't know and haven't really heard anyone espousing this theory. The interior (core) columns were connected to the exterior (perimeter) columns by trusses. The...
I was there! I crawled around on that pile for a couple of weeks! How can anybody say that it wasn't "messy"? It was square blocks of near total destruction! Those buildings didn't just fall straight down into their own footprint either, as is so often suggested by the conspiracy theorists...