Thank you mossy. I knew on some level that it was supposed to help quality. I have smoked bud that tasted funky and got me high but it does end up being the taste a person remembers.
I feel the same way. Thats why I threw the question out there. I might let it sit a little longer than 24 hrs. But I really can't do a comparison yet since I have a mix of genetics but I should be starting a crop of Blue Himalayas in a couple of weeks. I will definitely give it the myth busters...
I have a hard time leaving them alone myself. As soon as they start looking like something smoke-able it is my instinct to want to smoke them. I learned first hand that just because it looks like a bud doesn't mean it will feel like a bud. I found autos helped me out with my impatience. They...
Yeah that is what I was talking about. I have run across it a couple of times. It was something like 24 hours or so of dark and timing it so the soil is kind of dry as well. It was suggested that this would stress the plant into becoming more resinous.
they won't be big at all and won't really do much for your head. I have cut plants that early and you might catch a buzz while your smoking it. The keyword there is while, as soon as you put it out your "buzz" will evaporate. Why the tight schedule?
I was thinking about trying the flash seeds out but I went with short stuff again. I should be starting some blue Himalaya deisel in a couple of weeks. I will keep up with yours to see how they do for you
It's time for me to post some pics again. My girls are doing well but I did have a seedling die on me. I had to throw out a whole batch of soil. For some reason it went moldy on me. I think I will leave the top off of the container its in this time.
You have a period of at least a week between the time you notice them and the time that they might drop pollen. A male won't grow nuts and start skeeting on you little ladies overnight or even a couple of days
It is one of shortstuffs strains I got a twenty seed mix from Attitude. They weren't labeled separately. I would like to know what the exact breeds are myself because I need to order again and I have plant or two I would like to grow repeatedly