I had to dig back a couple of pages to get to the pics and they are looking great. I know they must be stankin up the place + rep for the lush ladies. Is there going to be a smoke report as well
Forgive me, for I am a burn out but I can't remember who the idea came from but I know there was talk of oxygenating water. I got a small pump for a five gallon aquarium and an air stone. I just drop it in a jug of nutes or water and let it sit.. Is this too simple or will the plants dig it?
Nice girls FD. I need to post a top down pic or two. I am a fan off it as well.There is just something about the symmetry from above I find attractive.
It always tells me I need to spread the rep before you can have anymore. Who do they think they are? I can spread the good word about whomever I like whenever I like.