I tried doing my own nutes and found I was maybe a lil too novice so I went with pre-loaded.. What I did the other day was just added a bunch more soil to the top, hoping it's enough to leach down to roots when watered.. I just want my first time to give a decent amount of buds...
So I am using 1:1 ratio of Fox Farms ocean and vermifire nutrient laden soil. I was told not to use nutrients till after at least 1 month. After a month I added slightly diluted nutrients from General Organics. It shocked 2 girls and I pulled one. The other is ok now. So almost 3 months later I...
Mostly clones with one mystery seed (which has been the strongest so far). Had them since roughly the middle of April in 5 gallon pots. They see the sun directly from around 6am to noon so they don't get direct sunlight during the hottest part of the day. Not to mention it doesn't get crazy hot...
Ya know you could be on to something.. I'm using nutrient preloaded soil mix of Vermofore and fox farm ocean Forrest and I was told for about a month just give the girls straight water which I did for a month up until that feeding.. So shoul I just use plain water till it perks up?
I thought the same thing. My thoughts were how does the plant sustain life in its natural habitat when there is no human intervention. My pH is within specs, I am not over or under watering. Only 2 out of half dozen were affected with one completely shriveling up and turning dark brown and...
So my girls are outside on my balcony and about 2 weeks ago we had some upper 80's and 90 degree weather. 1 of my girls, the smallest ones got put in a heat coma and wilted crisped up and basically died. The other small one's leaves curled up but haven't wilted so I am not sure if she is too...
So I was looking at 2 area 51 190's and that's 1028 after taxes, at 380 total watts is 2.70$ per watt.
The Optic Lighting UFO style at 420 watts at 1300$ after taxes is 3.10$ per watt.
The Optic Lighting square style at 560 watts at 1515$ after taxes is 2.70$ per watt.
I looked at the Bonsai...
Anybody heard of, use or have any comment on Optic Grow lights? Would one of these 2 options in a 3x3x7 Gorilla tent be too much for 3-6 girls?