The light is a Metal Halide.. Or it's predeccesor the Mercury Halide. It has light in the Blue Spectrum, so it is ideal for Vegging your plants.
As for the burn on the leaf try using using something like this to help you - Marijuana Plant Abuse
Haha Lace, u crack me up. I used the old pot to prop her up. Dont Worry, u'll be sure to get a little BC package in about 8 weeks.
Thanks Rock. Lol, u are actually a nice person when ur not pissed, lmao.
Hey Guys, here are the Girls in their new homes. The pot size is 300mm.
They all had lovely root balls encompassing the old pots, except runty who only had a few legs :( I have had to prop her up to try n get her some more Lumens :-?
Oh well, at least with the Screen i can get great...
Hey dude i looked throught ur album, but couldnt see the type of light. Get a photo of it either right before it comes on or right after it goes off so as to not disturb ur plants too much.
From ur description though if it contains mercury it should be alright, a little off, but the plants will...
Hey Mate, I quite like Vertical Lighting. It shares the same principles as doing a ScrOG. It utilises the highest possible amount of Lumens.
The good thing about Vert lighting is how it eliminates hot spots in the room due to there being no reflector. The only downside to this is if ur using a...
That really is a ridiculous thing 2 ask.. As if any1 on here would say 'Hello Stranger, I don't know u from a bar of soap, & even though we are on a public forum - here u go - here is a list of names & numbers of the people who hav the illegal goods u seek'.
Any1 else smell Bacon? Or get the...
Hey 8 I was waiting 4 them given it was Friday night :-)
I'll check em out when u get on my laptop tomorrow.
Baump-Baump - Try again Rock, wasn't funny & didn't make sense.
On the other hand I topped ur Mum's Res up with plenty of Special Nutrients just before I wrote this post ;)
The girls are in their new homes.. Lights just went off as I finished so no photos unfortunately. I'll take some in the morning & post em up as soon as I get a chance tomorrow.
Good Strain choices Mate. I have a SLH mother & a Blue Cheese mother.. Both strains run 8-9 weeks & will sit u on ur ass & f*ck u in the head when mature!
I will never admit to having received another mans package.. That's just wrong, lol.
I got a Creed CD in the mail from my American friend 2day.. I must remember to write him & give him thanks.
I think Jack Bauer is a Germ, as if Superman - A man who can shoot F*cking Lasers from his eyes would...