Hey Teflon! I hope it all is growing well for ya... I thought I would chime in and let you know of a "new development" and also maybe see if anybody else wants to throw their thoughts out on the subject....here goes:
So there I was tending the garden when I noticed that some of the pistils...
This is what I saw... Mine took off out of the gate... then hit a lull where the first set of fan leaves took their sweet ass time... then once those were done... it was back to some crazy growth again.... I mean after all you saw my plants at day 48.... the football "hand grenade" is seriously...
Whats funny or "weird" I call that plant the "Hand grenade" but that is one big ass clump of buds... its now about the size of a youth football.... but even when you are close it appears to be one big ass football sized hunk o weed!
like I said best reference in the pic is that 1 gallon picture...
I have been lurking on this thread for a bit so I will throw up these pics of my Blue Himalaya Diesels on day 47....
My "stuff": 400w hps 3x3x6.5 tent, using Technaflora nutes schedule at 2/3rds strength every third watering and snowstorm ultra every watering, gravity will be used on 2...
Here ya go... my BHD at day 47
A few things... I changed the background and added more light to help the pics a bit ( I also rotated them so you dont have to break your neck comparing). I also added a 1 gallon pitcher to the picture as a size comparison so people have something to...
I fudged up on impregnating this go round on the BHD but thats ok as I am not looking for something with as many side branches as I have now... After further thought I think I might run the auto-assassin instead of the mix. I need something closer to what you have in that last batch of...
Good to hear! I was looking at the pics saying man....short stuff seeds really keeps all their plants uniform (minus a few odd phenos) but generally speaking... So A+ to short stuff... also I happened to order two mini mango seeds by dutchbreed when I ordered these.... I am thinkin of throwin...
Man I am looking at those timeline chop pics for a comparison to those day 45 pics I posted..... I would say similar growth? This might seem like an odd question but does anyone take the wilting yellows at the bottom of the plant and "clean them up and chop them off?" I am hoping my harvest is...
Pic 1 = Thin twin 1 , Pic 2 = Hand Grenade, Pic 2 = Thin twin 2 (muchos budsites), Pic 4 = Main cola Thin twin 1, Pic 5 = Hand grenade close-up top main cola!, Pic 6 = Thin twin 2 top shot for budsite comparison.
As a side note thin twin 2's main cola took off toward the light like a crackhead...
I love how your thread is now the epicenter of all things BHD! Tattoo I posted in your thread last night! =) I am off to chief one... catch you guys in a bit!
Glad to hear this as I approach day 45 tomorrow! I have grown autos before and these appear to be more hefty...I have 2 uniquely different plants... one of them I call the "Hand grenade" because there is like a big as lump of bud on top and 4 symetrical side shoots (this plants density is...
Magnificent! This is my first time growing in over 2 years... although I grew up growing in Southern Cal and have been the go to guy in my circle of friends at getting grow rooms setup "correctly". I hope my BHD turn out half as nice as that plant there.... the growth looks identical when...
I like how teflon is KISS (keeping it simple stupid) (no offense but sometimes growing this shit is WAY overthought!)
I for one have used the MG organic in the past with pretty standard results... it made good bud but I think the direct effect is in the flavor. I am not growing organic mind...
I am using a 400w standard bulb HPS... medium= promix bp (my first go with a soilless medium...and it aint looking too shabby if I say so myself haha!)
Also I added nothing to the promix for the record...no extra perlite... no nothing...
Yo tattoo...mine are exactly same age as yours... broke soil on nov 10... I posted pics in another thread here I will take some fresh ones tomorrow and put them up for comparison!