Not sure what you mean by "run off." I have a pot from Walmart that has a little lip at the bottom. I can add water at the bottom of the pot or just add water the normal way: at the top near the dirt. (Not sure if that makes sense.) Whenever I add water my plant is light to pick up and...
Hey bro. I couldn't even tell you the strain. I know that the seed came from a very good bag of "stuff" in which there were only 2-3 seeds in the whole bag. I believe my friend either called it "Monster" or "D3." (Probably all bullsh*t - lol). Either way, it wasn't from a bag of mids, which...
I started a second thread relating to an issue regarding yellow leaves at the bottom of my plant. The new thread is located here, in the 'Problems' forum. Feel free to take a look.
That is RIDICULOUS. 2-3o? Wow. I was high messing around with a few choice seeds I had saved from a really good bag, and a few months later, this is what I have on my back deck. That's pretty cool, thanks for the reply. Now, I gotta manage NOT to kill it...
My original post was here, which is located in the Newbie Forum. (First time grower, some basic facts, how do my plants look, etc.)
Problem: My plant is starting to develop yellow leaves near the bottom. Started maybe 10 days ago. I took some close ups to give you an idea what I'm looking...
Recent lurker >> Member >> First time poster. Hey!
This is also my first grow. I'm poppin my cherry boys! I can't really tell yet (mainly since I have nothing to base it on) but it looks like my little plant is doing well. Started in mid-May. The plant was kept outdoors day and night...