seriously i didnt join this forum to be follwed by a FUCKING IDIOT, SHUTUP ... grow up.
sorry i didnt feel like typing in "the old lady" so i put guys.
GO away what are you trying to proove?
what is this helpiing... by bitching me out.
fucc you. ...stupid ass
why the fuck are you all such goddamn <big> DICKS</big>??
i fucking asked a question, i know stealing is wrong, im not fucking 2.
that plant has been back to its owner for a long time now..
i have my own. 4 of themmm...
chuck your fucking retarded.
if u read the last part of that thread ..
that plant is back in the guys front yard and he knows i took it, i gave it bacc to him like a month ago?
anyways if u aint got anything nice to say on my threads then FUCKOFF you faggot.
im so tired of hearing your shit.
isnt co2 realllly dangerously flamable?
not a good idea. with all the plugins.. fuck i dont knoe. seems as if theres any spark flame anything it will blow up
fuckkk that i pay no more than $200.
i dont care what it is... its a plant. a lovley plant that i love..but its simply not worth that.
if u think about it its no difff then sellin a bag of grass.... but u get high for a couple hours.
get what im saying ? lol.
but yeah no more than $200
well i know what im looking for in my area,
ill pick them from cow shit ( lol) take a spore print, upload pics on and then see what they say bout the mushroom
okay me and my friends are fucking waisted, bout to go shroomin.
im visiting northern florida right now,
temp is around 70 F.
humidity is 80%
were going to a cow pasture and they feed em grain.
will i have any luck with this? :peace:
some1 plz help me out.
i know what im looking...
Alright Hey Guys, Im Going To Be Growing Alacabeniz's And Hawaiian,
But I Need A Site That Has Directions From Start To Finish Using Rye.
Does Anyone Want To Send Me A Link For This??
Mrgreenthumb :d