glad to hear the good news stoney!! yeaaa ive havin probvlems of my own with the rust spots... but the floja is 8 weeks into flowering... soo it'll be done soon enough. =) glad ur good 2 go man. and every1 makes mistakes me.. even the pros... theyre just better at hiding it than we are. =p lol
lol. no problem. finished harvesting her last was a bitch to trim. cuz all the buds were soo long and skinny. soo there were soo many leaves hidden in the lil cracks and crevices.. but i did the best i could! ill post the harvest pics up later on 2day/2night. wen im outta work
aiight guys. heres a pretty big update 4 ya! all my plants in the flwoer room got their pics taken.. theres alot! havent counted yet.. maybe ill try lookin at the pics and count. but theres alot in there. wayyy too many. lol. all the cups are labeled... soo jsut look at teh cup if ur wonder wats...
Heyyy HC. just so ya know. i started flowering the BSB cross... the plant was getting too tall for the veg box again... there was nothing else i could really do. sooo its gonna get flowered. =D lol. hopin the top roots. still looks to be alive... soo thats a good sign. we will see wat happens...
yea i would like to get sum blackjack soon actually. its one of nirvanas strain ive always wanted to grow... along with blackberry. but after seein ur grow... it makes me wanna grow it even more!
thanks man. i really liked the full moon. i have a few clones flowering right now.. supposed to be a sativa. but mine was deff more like a hybrid.. very very frosty as u could see. has a spicy smell/taste to it. i know it has thai genetics... which is wat i think gives it the peppery taste...
that quote is very true. =) thats wen i like to harvest. with a few amber heads... wen u harvest affect the type of high u will get as well... obviously if the plant is an indica dominant strain.. then the high will be more indica.. and same for sativa... but u harvest early... with all milky...
hahaha. ya damnnnn right! lol. naa i just figure. if ppl come and look at my grow now.. theyre gonna be like oo. ok. he sucks at growing. lol. cuz i mean... lets be honest... my plants arent in the best of shape right now.... and i dont want ppl thinkin i dont kno wat im doin... soo i had to...
hahahaha. thanks man. and yeaaa ill pass on the ball licking... this dudes balls havent even dropped yet... he probably pisses on his balls everytime he goes 2 the bathroom. haha. yeaa on my 1st grow. i ahd sum dude talkin madddd shit about my grow. and that (in my opinion) was one of my best...
like u said... u "stated the obvious".... obviously i know wat my plants look like.. soo theres no reason to state the obvious. and it seems like im not the only one who thought u were bein a dick... and i didnt say to go thru all "57" (theres really 60) but if u go bak a few pages... you...
cant wait for the harvest. yeaa i usually flush about 1-2 weeks b4 i harvest. but i have harvested plants without flushing.. and havent noticed much of a difference. goin to check out ur new grow now. =D
looks ready to me. plenty of amber heads. =D dude... wat the FUCK did u grow that thing under!! u may wanna drug test ur plants.... cuz it looks like theyve been on steroids for quite sum time!! have u started to flush yet? if u havent... then start flushin now. and try to hold off another week...
you are weeks adn weeks away man... post new pics in about 4 weeks... and it'll be a lil wasier to judge. and we would need closer pics as well. hard to tell from that far away.
same goes for this pic... a li far away. soo its hard to tell. looks like maybe a week or 2 early... ho many weeks...
aww man... no matter where u grow.. theres always sum fuckin bugs tryna take shit over!!! if they just asked nicely if they could have a nug wen harvets time comes around... or ask if u would smoke a fatty with them wen its ready... we wouldnt invest all this money on shit to wipe them and their...
yeaa last night was pretty chilly where i am too. in the mid 50's i believe... i kno wen i went outside in the middle of the night.. i could blow smoke! lol. not much but still... crazy to think its august!
marijuana is a VERY hardy plant.. and (most strains) can withstand alot of punishment.. and still manage to survive and thrive once again... i have faith in u stoney! =)