Yes, due to confusion from society.
Gays know they're gay but they dont wanna be labeled as "gay" so many will *want* to be bisexual... knowing they like men... but try to like women
prob to feel/be more accepted.
was true for me, but women just turn me off. all women even the hot...
oh shit. what did you do? I noticed some bugs in my outdoor soil so thats why i wanted to use the MG... they were small n i didnt wanna take a chance.. how about u?
Oh ya? Awesome!
Ya i was using soil from my moms garden with mulch mixed in but i found some bugs and stuff and i knew this would be trouble later on... then i found some miracle grow potting soil with a little nutes mixed in... very light and airy.
Im wondering... I transplating a 5 day old...
I completely agree but I think if pot and softer drugs were legal, people would probably stick to the softer ones than the hard ones like they do in the NL.
But you can still extract the cocaine from the leafs then right?
Fyi -
I now have two 26W CFLs (6500K)....
Im just gunna plug it in and let it get bright as the sun!!!
And the mere 15W make me need sunglasses :| lol
thanks for ur help bud!
Thank you!
But I mean for flowering i wanna use a bulb and it says "for use in 3 way sockets" and with the socket from the link above i was wondering if i could still use it?
(the light works and all and it seems to be fine even for hours but im just wondering so i dont kill myself haha
Ok so I have this socket <<pictured there
with a 15W CFL. I know it says 660W (my bad) but the site says no for cfls...
idk it seems to be working..
and most importantly... what the hell is a 3 way...