Gross as fuck, wet is weed dipped in embalming fluid. That fluid is supposed to contain pcp.
The other day my bud told me he would put Dmt on his buds and smoke it.
Personally ill stick to green.
When your dead your dead. Nothing happens. You stop existing your brain stops working. Two necrophiliacs could run a train on your dead body and you would not give a fuck because your dead.
Once your dead you won't even know it because your brain ceases to function. You will be what you were...
I believe that Life begins at the Creation of the sperm, and that sperm, as potential human lives, deserve equal protection given to fetuses and grown children.* Think of the billions of sperm needlessly killed by such things as hot tubs and tight-fitting underwear.* In the future we...
Lol I'm only kidding, I count in my head to 7sec then exhale vapor or smoke.
As for coughing I don't let any smoke stay in my lungs/throat so I don't cough.
Does anyone recollect anything from your time as a fetus? Myself I can't remember anything until about the age of three.
Your taxes are going to fight a war which neither side will win.
I would rather see more funding going towards prevention of an unplanned pregnancy. That's not what we...