I went to Hemp Depot for a look at something different, God's Lemon is from Jordan of the Islands. So far I like it a lot, seems to be about like the description.' but not stinky yet. They say it really smells so you may not want to try it- I may have an odd pheno.... I got Dirty Girl from KOS...
Ripped Bubba clone at 52 days. (60 recommended) This went in young in a small pot, along w/ several others, as I was clearing the decks for some new stuff. I had some Spacedawg, Snowdawg, Cheddarwurst2, and this one, that I took as clones in case of a keeper parent. No keepers so I wanted to get...
Here's the Larry OG at 39 days. I like this one- big plant, dense nugs, frosty/sticky and smelly- still has another 2-3 weeks. Clones easy, I have 5 or 6.
Larry OG at 31 days. Topped early in veg, some pruning of lower growth. Had some male flowers at the main leaf nodes, but none on the buds- just some seeds. Sticky, "sweet" smell, starting to pack on some bud growth- I assume the stretch is over. It went in on Aug.30.
Had a Corleone that was a...
God's Lemon- Jordan of the Islands. 26 days. Seems like a heavy yield. Just beginning to smell, I was disappointed at the total lack of aroma but it's getting skunky and sweet now.
In a cross the seeds will average 25% of seeds with mother traits, 25% father traits, and 50% mix of both. You need to grow out seeds and choose which plants have the traits you want and keep breeding those, always selecting for the traits you like.
Didn't get to take pics today.
I Looked it over today and there wasn't much on it besides what I removed already- all in all pretty minor (except for seeds). I put it back in, but near the door this time so I can keep an eye on it. I have some clones going that I'll keep until I see how this one...
Larry OG (reg) at 4 wks 12/12 has male flowers at the leaf nodes on the main stem, just saw them tonite. Some have already popped- I pulled it out and will look at it tomorrow, but it seems to have self-seeded in several locations. Most of the other plants in flower are almost done so I won't...
No, I didn't see any until '67 (Maine), but I never looked back! Started on some opiated hash from my friend's brother in the army. He had a top security clearance and brought a bunch of drugs back from Germany, gave us an ounce to smoke. I can still taste it, and never coughed so much- REALLY...