I dnt think anything in the lake water would hurt em you have to think their are outdoor growers who use straight lake and river water all the tyme and they usually all have nice harvest so i say the good outweigh tha bad
If the fan leaves don't shake back after a good feeding you could lolly pop them also if your able to get to it try grabbing a gal of water out of the bayou gotta think all the trees and grass ive seen get tall and thic around the bayou plus with all the fish you have a natural fert in it already.
Yeah the scrog would work well also but i haven't tried it yet i saw someone use one of those wire racks you use to keep your baseball cap in shape to scrog a plant once wrkd out pretty well also. But my thing with lstng is it seems lyke way less wrk to me just my opinion.
Say ULM it sounds more to me tht your gurls want/need to be feed your suppose to give them nutes once a week especially when they start to bud i think your sativa isn't acting like the others cause shes a light feeder but indicas are usually heavy feeders. I have grwn plants using our tap water...
Sounds good and looking good i did my first indoor gro last year with 4 26wt=100wtt equiv cfls and got some nice plants i also advise anyone using cfls to read up on lstng i promise you won't be sorry and you will more thn doubble your yield !!!
Whts up Suc, Purp, and Hep im a Louisianna boi myself just moved bac from Vegas. Anything i can help you with just let me knw you knw the 3rd Coast stics together whts up ULM
Whts up jonny im part of another site whear they had a gro comp with this strain and everyone had prblms with this strain it hermed on everyone but all theirs had started 2 bud by now so it might just be tht the genetics are garbage hope this helps a lil.
Whts gud homie gonna trf and put me a grow box together today if i can get everything together im gonna try and germ some of my bagseed thinking about doing the whole gro 12/12 atleast until i can get some good genetics. Plus me and tha wife need some good smk and we need tha cash bad!!!!