greetings kb! i just recieved my kingskush from ghs! so i'll be here with you on this one cant wait to see!!!!! those are some fat leave's already, man grape ape and o.g.!!! what more could you want!!!
please keep us posted!!! respect
those leaves are lookn fatty! if you are feeling timmid bout adding nutes dont worry about it cause good soil can provide proper nutrition for up to 100 days. if you do decide to pik sum nutes up just be sure to read what the bottle says and cut the mix in half than just slowly build up from...
ya man "simple and easy" is definatly the way to go and i always say "an ounce of prevention is betta than a pound of failure" for the pest!!! lol!! peace an love!!
ya man you need to drop your light right to the top cause those lamps wont even burn like ECP said. i would say get yourself at least a 250 watt h.i.d. lamp asap and then work on your ventalation. if you cant set up a space were you can have proper lighting and proper ventalation your just...
thats cool to hear something bout those l.e.d.'s!!! i will have to drop some doe and run a test! for tha last 10 years i have used nothing but 1000 wtrs, i used to veg w/blue then flower w/red but then hortilux came out w/those multi spectrum bulbs and they work perfect! at first i was...
i dont know boss those leaves look like they have or are being attacked by mites or posibly thrips?? you should chek closer on the underside of the leaves those spider mites are small and hard to see somtimes especially if you dont know what your looking for, thrips are the same.
you want those "pistols"or hairs to turn,orange, purple or what ever i dont know what strain that is?? but you can take a closer look at the glands to see if theres alot of balloning going on but i would say dont get impatient and let the hairs turn over at least 85% like...
yes boss you may pull those off carefully without damageing any of the good white roots. there's also stuff you can get that will eat that dead root mass and promote new growth like humbolt nutrients "prozime"..look that stuff up and read about it that way if they dont have that paticular prod...
it could be from over watering like was said. looks to me like you dont have any peralite mixed up with that soil! mix 1/3 - 1/2 peralite for more proper drainage...
ya man you need to get rid of he grass like the man said and water less. ventalation will help alot with uptake that way your plant dont start looking yellow and over watered. dont use mirical grow anything. and when you get some soil mix it 1/3 to 1/2 with peralite so that you get good and easy...
greetingz! i have always used organics such as botanicare,age old,earth juice,medinaturals and humbolt nutrients. this sounds a little stupid but i recently cruzed down to the old shop and went in there to get some more "humbolt nutrients" the organic line and not realizeing it i grabbed there...
buraka's got the right idea,if you are to far along into flowering you could damage....that fogger looks pretty safe but if you are to far along you could go in an individually wash what area's you can with somthing like "safer" and just try to stop any thing crazy from happening! but no matter...
yes boss i have finished out some l.a.con and it reminded me more of the master or bubba than anything, i never really got any og flav or smell. i did'nt have any problems cloning either you just need to let her get a little bit bigger. i dont know though cause i get most of my cutts through...
I'm rocking 1 1000 watt in 10 waterfarm buckets from g.h. with mazar. I started this mazar from seed i got from d-passion 2years ago, i had let the strain go then by chance recently i got ahold of her again! i got photos hear for yall to check!! i am also doing 4000 watts over 2 10 x 4 soil beds...