So I think the term is cola. I'm wondering if each of these "points" on the plants below are cola's or I guess in idiot terms "where the bud is going to be yo" Thanks
So I used to know this guy who pissed in his plant pots!! No seriously, and it's not like "i know this guy........" story.... I couldn't imagine doing this! Anyone ever heard of this?
are they available at local stores or do you have to order them online??? I got it at the local hardware store for my indoor "tomato" plants......the lady looked at me in disblief and sold me this.........ehhhhh not so psyced
Anyone ever use the peroxide and water mix to get rid of bugs in the plants?? I was told if you use 1 to 3 ratio it will rid of bugs laying in the soil. I am having a problem with what I believe are fungas gnats, they suck! Eating my leaves leaving brown spots on them. Some of them are white...
I overwatered a bit the other day and I use the MG soil. I really like the soil although I did notice some nute burn on the leaves.....not bad and only on 1 plant........(gotta ask a question sorry guy know it's not my thread hope you don't mind) When this happens do you wait a little longer...
alright well if anyone cares I would say this is a no go, made my leaves curl under after 2 days, I think that was what did I'd say nope!
your plants look a little stretched prob need to be closer to the light. Don't let the MG soil scare you I use it for my plants and have had great luck with it. Only problem i've had is a slight gnat issue other than that the soil has been fine. :peace:
So I had posted a thread and asked if anyone had used the Ortho spray I bought for the "insects" and no one replyed so I sprayed down one plant figure I'll give it a few days and see how it reacts, then if it works out I'll spray the others. I'll let you know how it goes. :peace:
Alright well it seems as no one has ever used this so I guess I'm going to douse one of my plants in it tonight and hope it doesn't die...........Guess I'll be the 1st
Well I put a layer of sand on the top of the pots, I read in a thread that it is a good way to keep the bugs from laying eggs in the soil and I bought some ortho ecosense insect soap I'm going to give that shit a try it says the only thing not to use it on is ferns and I don't think that's a...
I believe I have a gnat larve problem, or some kind of issue of that sense....little white worm like things and gnats flying in the air. the lady at the garden store said this would be best for my indoor "tomatos" she said spray it right on no problem. Just curious if anyone else has used this...