I only do it for a few hours opening the bag every other hour. once times up, scale your stash and see how much you gained in water weight. It's a trip
For being in the weed game for so long, as all of you have been too. well most of you! we all know about keeping our buds fresh! and don't get me wrong all these options work. I find it best... to take cotton balls, and damp them with water, squeeze the water out and throw it in the bag or jar...
I would def in my view clean your grow room a bit, old water on the ground. dirt and everything else is a great place for fungi and dieses to thrive. I would take some time and clean up all of that fosho. you don't want your plant getting sick now do we? I clean my grow area every other day...
shit while you at it add a few grams of hash in her ass too! they will never know! uuuuuuhhhhhh durrrrr cavity search!
though i once got an oz of pot from cali to Hawaii =] fun times, i vacuumed sealed the bag like 8 time and attached it to my butt cheek.
wore some baggy clothes and walked right...