Tomato nute will be fine cannabis and tomato take in the same amount of nutrients ratio remember if you go into a grow shop ask what stuff is good for growing the best "tomatoes" remember don't follow everything I say experiment and see what work best with you.
This can be due to the transplant or just a Common over/under watering problem something I have noticed about FFOF is that there are sometimes dry spots after watering so check about a 1/2 inch under the soil and make sure everything is moist and damp.
When was the last watering your soil looks dry (possible explantion for the wilt) as a FFOF user I know when it's ready for watering Jman is use to miracle grow so he doesn't know. No your not doing anything wrong with those other four Other plantS people like to put plastic wrap in order to...
Those are the cotyledon or seedling leaves all plants lose them why did you lose them so early in the stage though too much heat from that incandescent?
The suns intensity will be too strong for the seedling and possibly burn them so leaving them in shade will let them adjust to the climate without having this problem.