clones take up water from the leaves until roots form.. you may need to mist them with a spray bottle of water.... ususally what i do is create a small greenhouse by covering the clones with plastic wrap and poke a couple small holes in there for air. as many have said on your thread abotu...
do they look similar?
i'm an experienced grower.. however never delt with white flys. i'm seeing black dots sort of how Thrip poop/damage looks like.. has anyone had white flys? and do their eggs look like thrip damage?
Yoooo C-dawn! been awhile! i'm back in the CFL land doing an auto during the summer... glad to see you're still here... props to you again .. your grows started me out... if you remember
helloooooooooooooo all! my normal growing season is fall and winter... but in the summer i like to do 1 plant usually an auto since they're so easy. reason i only grow one plant in the summer is that it gets hot.. really fucking hot. i normally grow under MH/HPS.. but for summer grow...
whats your method.. how long have you been able to store seeds and still have them crack?
i'm currently storing all my seeds in a wine cooler. its about 45-50 degrees
i'd thought i'd start a Russet Mite thread... they are MFers .. worse than spider mites.... mainly because you cannot see them with the naked eye... AND they like to burrough into the leaf .
please list your experience with them and what you did to get rid of them. ALl i know there is very...
1. you start counting when the first preflowers appear. I myself will start counting a week after i switch to 12/12 its never failed me
2. from your pics your babies need another3-4 weeks leaning on the 4 IMO
3. yes your plants will go though a series of "plumping" do NOT miss the last...
i find drying and curing.. and then getting the rh down to between 35-45 then vac sealing the buds works the best(don't vac seal it all the way or it'll brick). air degrades bud... if you keep the jars closed most likely they'll stay.. but if you open them.. they will get all old and stale...
if you have mold inside the bud, it most likely happened a while ago and not from drying process... you HAVE to make sure your room does NOT go over 50RH (in fact i'd say 40RH to be safe) when lights are on and most definitely off. what you may want to do is wash your buds.
whats with the anger man.... aren't we all here to better our growing techniques? just answer me this question.. why would i wash my bud if the end result was brown dog shit weed? why would i sit here and waste my time on here for months if the end result was that? i really don' t...