ahhhh the week end......update time ;)
Looking great Grumpy.....shit there was some stretch ey'
Gotta ask ya...Have you had any drama's with using the 1" square screen....obvioulsy thats your chosen size for your ScrOG's
Hey there Lacey,
Yes it does feel good to meet someone from RIU, great to here you gotta bit stash again ;) tis very fustrating. keep up the good work on the clones!! i too just built a polystyrene insulated bubble cloner :D
Hey there peep's....This is a C+P from my thread but my grow buddy popped around as he has family staying at his and his clone cab is in the spare room. these are from the 9 that i looked after about a 3 weeks back....heaps of new green growth, hardy little fuckers....got em out in the sun, they...
looking like MD and Athena have the basis set for a mass explosion of sugar coated buds....the pics of Athena really show all (most...prob more down the back lol) of her bud sites!
Hey there peep's....my grow buddy popped around as he has family staying at his and his clone cab is in the spare room. these are from the 9 that i looked after about a 3 weeks back....heaps of new green growth, hardy little fuckers....got em out in the sun, they been under T5's since....
T+15hrs, 17mins.
went to sleep ( Beautiful half sleep) about 4 hrs ago.....been getting up and snacking on my bong and some cheese and crackers.....mmmm tasty!
hahah yeah that face we actually 'seeen it maaaan' when i got them (lol when the photo was taken) my partner and i called it the...
i had a mate who could 'main line it' while driving......but thats a big truck mate! you got skill
EDIT: theres a bong in my centre console and the mix is in the glove box! make sure the a/c is off ;)
you want to exchange the volume of air in your room say 3 times a minute......
this is worked out by finding the volume Lenth x Width x Height. now with this number divide by 3 and this will have a number that you want your fan to be in CFM (cubic feet a minute)
hahaha yeah, im an Alex Shulgin fan i must say
yeah i cant put the plates in the microwave (i secretly love saying that word as it reminds me......) cos they are Gold rimmed!
plus froggy would melt ;)