G'day Watermelon's, great to have you aboard! hopefully you can stick around and show us some of your bud porn! as for strain for the outdoors, i hear Hawaian snow is a goodie, but then i am just learning all the backgrounds on strains.
Are you metro or up the hume/calder freeways a bit? im...
Hahaha this morning my cone piece arrived at 9:15am, with no bong accompanying it....well
Come 2:30pm i had another knock at the door....more goodies!!!
It was great as everything arrived even my order from DHS (discount hydro supplies) from sat night.
:leaf:*Hey meds....my birthday card...
also that is a nice and easy page to familiarise yourself with ;) how are ya going with your new routine of zipping and un zipping to control temps?
Fungus Gnats
Fungus gnats like to feed on roots of the plants and organic matter. Adults and larvae live in moist, shady areas. The adults lay there eggs on top of the soil, near the base of the stem and takes about 4 days to hatch. The larvae will start by eating the root hairs of the plant...
hahah thats gold, i guess growing up in a country and getting so used to your own looking vehicles that when you come across something like that, partically american built cars it or they can look so different!
yeah i check out there page and profile and its all spam.....i aint gonna comment...
is it a smooth pull??
My sg18 Blue sized cone came and its HUGE like a ping pong ball size. and the little hole aint a little hole if ya now what i mean-- ya need the screens, the little dome pressed one's fit a treat! I also got some brass flat ones
I will wait to see...
anyway Tez my in/out box is full again so here ....
Yeah hey mate, i think we all been busy lately, shit i never even responded to your answer to my last message. my fucking inbox fills up so quickly i gotta empty a couple times a week, and yeah i lost your msg to RIU's oblivion of...
....hey you wouldnt believe it Grumpy, my cone piece and some screens arrived from onlinesmoke, brissy time 8:15am.....but no fucking bong??
i can only laugh ;)
bullshit you'll have sticky fingers and wont be able to type lol!
Nah looking great Tezz, you'll have to give us a guestimate of your predicted dry yield?
Hey mate. ya should of taken a left ages ago, i think your lost! and my name is Tricka but yeah you can call me stoner if you wish?
I run a 600W for 12 square feet, thats plenty ;)
hahaha thats great i dont even know wgat one would look like but i can see your humour ;)
I got Google chrome...
my pleasure Ben....on another note my 5 pack of fem'd GHS arrived today, Hawain Snow, Arjan Haze#1, Cheese. Church, Great White Shark. i wont be popping them as yet, so unfotunatley i cant comment as to their quality.
Great to hear your back in buisiness ;)
hey mate just my 2 cents worth, take down the foil and paint it white, or use mylar or panda film (black one side, white the other). The foil will cause hot spots.
funny you mention that, i edited out a bit that mentioned a HB lamp but i wasnt sure?
....has ya tent arrived, man i love setting them up!! its like christmas all over ;)
Those ladies are in TENT FUCKING HEAVEN!!!!!!
wow johnny boy they all look so healthy, there is going to be mass sugar coated buds everywhere :weed:
hey what MH lamps you running as they seem really blue, but it just could be because you have got the HPS in the middle and now i can...
Ya gotta cough to get off! i never seen anything made of glass like that ;)
P.s...i like how you positioned the pipe in front of the screen very cool.
i can see that you got a 'pik n mix' and 'barneys farm' page up also, i cant quite focus on your browser!!
theres a recent thread started...