I would wait germing the seeds. I made that mistake on my first seed run. the seeds need to dry out a little first. There is a period of time needed between harvesting and planting the seed. In nature they do not fall of the plant and start sprouting before winter. I did some reading in books...
I would like to second the request for root pics at the end. They are looking really good. I like the simplicity of your chosen method and hope they stay happy to the end for you.
Well I had to cut another one it was getting too sticky and thick. It was 94 grams wet. It would have been more but I took two testers off of it, one for me and one for me and one for me and a buddy. I had to see if it was as good as I thought it was. I smoke so fuckin much my tolerance is sky high.
I have 7 BHDs starting now. Two are showing green two more are in the dirt and I have the other three germing. I am also finishing up the last 4 females from a shortstuff mix.
I like your set up man. I wish I had one like it. Your girls do look like they might be over watered. Is it me or is it pretty red in there. Whats the color spectrum on the bulb? they may need something from the blue end to promote early seedling and veg growth.
Well the verdict is in from the MG organic vs. FFOF trail. they both cause males to pop up. I will yank them and start two BHDs in the same pots and try it again. That will end up better any way since I will now have 2 BHDs in each type instead of two different strains.
I wouldn't kick myself to much if I were you JM the little fuckers will find a way in some how. I have started using the neem oil today for my nasty little fungus gnat bastards.
You might have a hard time believing this one but one of the two seeds I started at 6 pm has already opened at 11 pm. Everybody stand back there's no telling how fast this thing is going to go:twisted::twisted:
Okay, so here is a new one on me. I put a seed in a paper towel today at 6 pm and at 11 pm it has cracked open and sprouted a tale. In the dirt with her frisky ass.
I have two suspected males in the FFOF vs MG trial. If they are both indeed males I will yank them up and replace with BHDs. I just had to go ahead and start germing two more to be safe. If they aren't males then I will have bottlenecked the shit out of myself in terms of space and harvest...
Get the mixed sex beans. Less chance to hermi and the opportunity to breed your own seed stock. 10 mixed sex beans are the same price as 5 fem beans for most of the short stuff strains.
I agree that MW2 is better, but I have almost seventy days of play time on it. Even great games get a little stale once you have spent that much time with them.