Hello growers!
I am 5th week of flower with some caveman OG.. the temps are 70, the PH is 5.5 and there is plenty of room to go in the UC system for the roots... I have been battleing mites..... The caveman turned purple real early.. the leaves got dark green then purple.. almost black...
I just purchased one of these and can't stand it...... I can't stop looking at shit on my ladies and I find left over mite eggs on every dam leaf and start stressing trying to figure out if the little bitches are gonna hatch.... I think I need to get rid of this dam thing!
Oh I forgot to answer all your questions.... I have a 50 amp 220 circuit breaker in the panel I am using #3 wire to the panel from the main box.. this can carry over 100 amps easy... I have 6 seperate receptacles hooked up to a 50 amp timer connected to the panel so when the timer goes off all...
Using 6 1000w ballasts on one circuit requires the appropriate sized wire.... Most 1000 w ballasts draw 8 amps at 120 volts...and 4 amps at 220 so on your 20 amp circuit you are looking at 2 ballasts at 16 amps and that doesn't leave you much room for other equipment.... How far away is your...
Hello fellow growers! Gotta quick question for anyone whom has used Forbid to kill spider mites... How long does it take to do it's trick? Purchased some clones and now my whole veg room is infested... Just blasted the ladies with Forbid and would like to know when I might see the little...
I am doing P Chunk right now.... Seems every seed had a different Pheno... Some closer to the indica side and others with super skinny sativa leaves.... They were slow to get going.. as soon as I flipped "BOOM" the growth exploded.... Bud sites everywhere.... we will see how it turns out.... I...
If you have to ask this kind of question I suggest you do NOT do your own electrical wiring... You have to know someone with some basic electrical knowledge.. Wiring things wrong or with too small of wire is how fires start....
Hey Maleficurum, When I first flip I usuall can do 15 minutes on and 45 off... they dont smell too much then, but 2 weeks out I am usually 15 on 15 off and now with some super stinky OG.... On constanlty lowest setting....
All it depends were you live and how the attic is set up.. Here is one that has vaulted ceilings... Running 3 600w cool tubes... the ceiling is about 5.5 feet at the highest point.. Since it is set up in an area that stays pretty cool and usually does not get above 85. There are 2 fans one...
Takeiteasy, Make sure you DO NOT run your exhaust in you room as suggested... Burned propane creates Carbon Monoxide Not Carbon Dioxide... Carbon Monoxide will kill you and the plants... And if you were to have 1500 PPM of monoxide this is what will happen 1500 ppm0.15%Headache, dizziness...
I use both... a large carbon scrubber in the room and inline ozone in the exhaust, so you are never really exposed directly in the room to the ozone... put it on the lowest setting to start, I have a 3 bulb unit..1 bulb on with a timer.... set it at the lowest possible rate that will neutralize...