thanks for the post. this is my first attempt at reveg so learning as i go.
i'm adding pics tomorrow of status.
one got burned when i left it outside too long and it was us1, the first one, had new growth too dang it. oh well looks like i might be able to save it thogh.
also added humidomes and...
nice job... im reveging as well. new growth came quick but got screwed just as quick....left in direct sunlight too long, burned one up pretty good. mine were also pretty butchered at harvest, but am trying anyway.
i will check in on this frequently.
i am growing apple trees in my room....seedlings right now. i have 2 outside and 2 inside..the indoor ones are over 2 times the size of my outdoor ones, way healthier too.
maybe you could separately water portions of your root system with.....idk some dye that would show in the plant? or some nitrates so it would show in the leaves? interesting thought.... is your root system accessable to do such a thing?
hey thanks! just added my fourth one today. mine were bonsai very small cuz i started using cfl about 3/4 the way through then bought an hps 150. my next round should be better. i got about 1/4oz per plant, my last looks like maybe 1/2oz. just harved today.
thanks for the post....
r&d in the pharma world? we are the r&d! we see comercials for the amazing new drug that we are supposed to ask our docs about, then in 6 months you see the lawyers comercials for class action suit because its killing people.......
r&d in pharmaceutical companies?
everything else has been...
adding "us2" unknown seed 2.
prepared exactly like the first.
cut down on monday, transplanted on tuesday.
you can see my pink lady apple seedlings in that first pic.
1 week into rejuvination and am pleased with the progress, new growth showing already and getting the color back. new leaves started showing 2 days ago.
watering tomorrow, plant had some leaf curl possibly from the first watering, not enough leaves for adequate transpiration? shock from switch...
i have mine about 5 inches from canopy, very low heat, i was cfl's put out way more heat, i was fighting of 100 degrees with them. 150 hps never gets over 85 even on the hottest days.
i use the sunsystem hps 150... great light for small grows. its my only light source and performs fantastic, outperforms the almost 400 watt cfl setup i had, for less than half the cost to run.
i would recommend it to anyone.
first off thanks for the reply.
are you sure it cant be added? how did you come up with your answer? ever tried it? thought of this before and researched it? people were once sure the earth was flat too.
i know its produced by the plant. i,m wondering if you can supliment its production somehow...
hey is there such a thing as too much cloraphyl?
can cloraphyl be added like a nutrient? foliar?
if i had access to some would it help the plant since it wont have to work as hard produce it?
just thought i'd post this here to get some insight from experts.
thanks guys and gals.
hey is there such a thing as too much cloraphyl?
can cloraphyl be added like a nutrient? foliar?
if i had access to some would it help the plant since it wont have to work as hard produce it?
just a couple thoughts i had...