as far as this site is concerned we are no longer not plan to grow...and are bidding a farewell...thanks to all the real people here that followed along. things are coming to light that makes us (and hopefully others) start to pay attention to whats going on around for...
to me it makes no sense...the only answer i get as to why we cant delete posts or accounts is because it causes holes in the threads...threads which they delete and or edit/remove posts at it causes holes, ok thats fine..but why cant we delete pics? the post would be there...only the...
they say you cant delete posts because it leaves holes in threads...yet ive seen certain mods remove 80% of posts from a thread simply because i made him look bad and proved him wrong. its all BS to be honest...and yes there are numerous rumors going around about LEO getting easy access to info...
why not research it on your own like everyone else...if your this lazy about finding simple info you dont have a chance at growing any of these strains anyways.
but power is useless if your grow environment isnt setup properly...placement of lights and exhaust/intake...sealing the room (if you choose to seal your room..i dont). can have the most powerful fan they make and if it cant move the air the way it needs to...the fan isnt going to help
i have a 400w HPS along with about 200w of cfl...i use a 115 cfm computer fan as an exhaust with passive intake..and a single 4 inch fan inside the temps stay around 78f with it almost 100f outside....why wont a inline duct fan work for him?
it beats my testicle/fart bubble thread...guys know what i mean...when you let one rip and a fart bubble creeps up your sure its happened to others and i feel a thread on a cannabis growing website about it is needed...i can eat away at bandwidth too.
same here...its these germ nazi ocd freaks that get sick...if you block all the germs from getting around you...your immune system cant handle when something does show up. so i say let them get sick...teaches them to use up all my fucking soap washing their hands repeatedly because a fly farted...
my 400w HPS puts off less heat then the 4 cfl's in my grow cab. the hps by itself the temps stay about 75-78f...with the cfl's on it goes up to 81-85f. since in switched over to HPS my temps have dropped by at least 10 degrees. those that preach that cfls run cooler must only be using one. the...
after looking at my germination area...thinking of the environment...i figured out what causes the seed shell to not fully open...really high humidity and high temps. normally warm temps and higher humidity is just what you want...but if its to hot and too humid it seems to keep the shell...
but least your looking at this from a angle of more then..."i want to grow pot". more people need to look at the scientific side of this plant..other then just wanting to grow it to get high off it or sell it.
that and without proper lab testing there isnt anyway to prove an increase or decrease in thc or other cannabinoids...just going by... (takes hit) "dont seem more potent" isnt enough for proof...which im sure your aware of. and there could also be things that can make results vary...was every...