Thats what the Velcro is for.....line the entire frame w/ the Velcro and then stick your black poly on it to seal it tight.......and unseal it where you need to,....been doing it this way for a couple years now, trust me it works like a charm
Wow, a GG reference........he was the oddest person I ever met, he used to send a tattooist friend of mine his "home" videos.............those were out of this world unbelievable shit. LOL there will never be another GG
I took my door off....I grabbed some Mylar and some 4 Mill. thick black poly....
The Mylar is on the inside and reflects light back into the closet. The black poly is the outer layer and keeps things light proof......All I needed was a razor blade to cut a hole for my like a charm.
I think that you are forgetting the fact that many of those people are the "working poor", you know people that bust their ass 40 hours a week and are still poor.
Another thing to consider if you give a wealthy person a tax break compared to a poor person. Most likely the wealthy person...
The quote that I saw today from 1987 where he tooled on Reagan made me laugh...O M G, did he really go there? Seriously I asked my wife if I misheard what I thought I heard, nope he said something like "Reagan really dropped the ball."
He's attacked Romney and some of the other candidates, has...
I havent posted much since getting my Blackstar 240 watt flowering light.
I have a perpetual grow, the blackstar is in the flowering area along w/ a 150 watt and a 400 watt HPS....I did a side by side comparison between the 3 lights, mind you all 3 are right next to each other so there is...
Hello John, been a long time my friend........speaking of keeping up on current events dont you find it amusing all the "birther" shit still exists? Thats just as pathetic and as much of a non issue as who the kids mother is......
You raise a valid point, however recent history shows that line of thinking didnt work. Remember the Bush era?
Remember the richest in our society only got richer. At the same time jobs were lost and average income remained stagnant. Weve been down that road and its a dead end for 90% of all...
You ignorant uninformed POS. I served 4 years in the USAF. My three siblings and myself grew up dirt poor, our parents had too much self respect to take handouts from the government or anyone else. We learned the value of hard work and three of us put our selves through collage, I myself did...
Exactly my family has deep political roots in the Republican party, my father was an elected official. As a young kid I got dragged to a lot of political fundraisers/events, I registered and voted as a Republican. Voted Republican for many years........I started to lose faith in the...
Holy shit are for real, only land owner vote huh? How about making them pass an intelligence test too? Typical radical crackpot horseshit is all that is. So a good portion of our military, elderly and poor people cant voite. Just what you asshole teabaggers want: A completely white and rich...
My thoughts exactly, I was all excited figuring a real mid blowing deal for 4/20....clicked the link and laughed.
No gear from GHSC will EVER enter my grow again, not 1 strain not 1 time. Never.
LOL maybe you should do some "research" yourself, Obama announced his campaign a little while ago. Love it when people pontificate and dont know their ass from their elbow.
Gotta disagree on one point. The Reagan presidency gave us "trickle down economics" after 3 decades of that Id have to say as an economic policy it is an utter failure in every respect.