I thought I'd read that somewhere. It was in the thread about us living in La-La land where everyone sells meds for $1.5 a gram.
I've mentioned in my previous post that I don't have a green thumb, and I'm in need for medicine which I do not have access to at this moment.
Sometimes in life you...
I live near Yorkdale, I drive and I'm curious to go see a few as I've never been. My Dr. appointment seems like it's forever away. I'd like to go speak to someone face-to-face and get an idea of what kind of options or help I can get in the mean time. I'm tired of dealing with BM to have to...
Maybe asking flat out for a Dispensary that can help is too blunt, however can someone point me in he right direction?
You can Inbox me if it's not a good practice to brag about it on the main forum, or again, if i'm overstepping my boundaries please let me know.
Anyone with first hand...
I grew a couple of plants last year, outdoors. Having a wife and 2 kids makes it difficult to have an indoor grow.
Also I'm not the greenest thumb. I'm happy to do it as a fun past-time but I'm hoping for consistent results.
I work full-time and won't be medicating daily, only when my symptoms...
I don't have a prescription from my DR, just a referral so that I can see someone that would prescribe it to me as a pain management alternative. The issue I have is getting an appointment with such a Dr. I'm hoping that I can get some help so that I can find a way to get my hands on some...
Well I've been in touch with Tweed and have no issue using an LP however, I'm open to seeking help through dispensaries even though they are not yet legal.
I have copies of my referral as my family Dr. is very open to the idea of me finding help though whichever channel I wish, I've found that...
I also have an appointment with Bodystream. Am i heading in the right direction?
I tried to book and appointment with Cannabinoid Med Clinic but never got a reply back and phone calls just don't get me anywhere.
Can someone help?