Dear God! I was 8 years old when that little ditty first came on the radio. Naturally, I thought it was the funniest thing ever!
BTW, I hope the tafster has water-wings, I hear North Dakota is a "Big Lake" these days..........BB
That is a nice chart if someone was interested in "lux" or "lumens". However, your cannabis is looking for P.A.R., photosynthetically active radiation. Lux & lumens are a measurement of light intensity as perceived by the human eye.......BB he goes again!!!!!!
"You probably didn't get much from the thread, but you'd only help by donating money. I know how to grow"
This kid is a never ending source of "OBESE EGO, never mind "emotionally obese".......BB
I'm thinkin' everyone got the word.........and watch the conversation......"Big Sister" may be eavesdropping.....
I just caught TaffyDaffy snooping around:>>>>
Best we rig for silent running for a spell, Mateys
Hey....while you guys are half asleep.....I caught the Tafster trying to sneak aboard in full pirate regalia :
And......His two Dads decided to show up too..............
Have a great day, LOL........................BB
Hey Shrigs, that's one sweet puppy! I know Winston was very special to you. The next time I come up with a new
"cross" strain, (almost every year I find some viable seeds that have "appeared" in one or two of my girls), I plan to name it "Winston", to honor your friend.......BB
Any body else see this gem? Brick and I are over there having fun......
OK Brick, fair enough......uh....watcha got Wee?
To tell the truth, I'm so full of "Special magical delusional smoke", I'm left with nothin'..............BB
I decided to investigate further into the "Taff Vs 7 foot Sativa Roughhouse"......:clap:
I was able to get 2 "hidden camera" shots of "The Man" warming up for this little dance.................:o :shock:
Apparently it DOES involve "flaming objects!"