Whats up monster, Seen you over at Grandma blue's thread. Really diggin the home made grow cabs. You did a really good job.
Can I give you some advice? I am thinking the cab with the HPS light is your flower room correct? And the cab with the CFL's is your vegging room? By the looks of it, it...
Sure, you can send it. Not 100% that it will get picked but I can always use pictures. Sometimes people don't send any in at all so its good to have some backups ready to go. How long till ur others are ready? Glad everything is going good.
The granddaddy purp seeds I germinated didn't live. I...
I am great. My blog has really taken off. I have gotten lots of freebee's from companies wanting me to try and review there product. I also have interviews set up with some very influential people in the cannabis world.
Remember when I told you about subcool? Well I got a interview with him in...
Yeah it was wicket purple with neon orange hairs. The smell was indescribable. Very strong smell but I never smelled anything like it before. You wouldn't even need to look at it to know it was good. Just smell it and if your a grower and connoisseur like we are you would automatically know its...
Hey blue, how is it going. I tried germinating that Red Cherry Berry but it was a no go. Must have not been viable. Oh well its the thought that counts.
Blue, I noticed you got some nice budshots, I am about due for my next buds of the week pick if your interested in submitting anything and get...
Not sure if I showed you guys but check out what a buddy of mine dropped off. Its featured on my blog as the bud of the week. Was very good. Its Granddaddy Purps.
I got a few seeds, one germinated, but its not doing so well. It is shriveling up and dieing. Not sure I can save it. Sucks because...
Looking really good Blue. Sorry I have not been around much. I been very very busy. The blog has taken off. I never imagined it would be doing this good this soon.
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter. Hope your day has been good. Mine was great. Got ahold of some Grand Daddy Purps been smoking that. It so really purple with bright orange hair. Has a really good smooth taste to it also.
See you all soon! Enjoy the rest of the day.
Oops did a double post.
So I just edited it and erased it. So since that happened as well tell you all the blog has been going great.
I actually plan to do a review on the GDP for my blog since I got my hands on some.
How has everyone been doing? Been busy but I figure I pop in. Things are going great, and as expected with the grow. And Cannabis Country is doing great.
My buddy stopped by earlier today and dropped off some awesome Gran Daddy Purps. So I been smoking some of that. Figure I might as do a...
Its ok blue. I just wanted you to know your account was hacked so you could change your password and stuff. My e-mail was hacked for the first time ever recently. My person address that I have had for years that is. The cannabis country address is new and never been hacked. I am very smart when...
Hey blue. Sorry haven't stopped by in awhile but been very busy. Blogs going great so that is eating up a lot of my time now. Plus other shit. So haven't had much time to go on RIU. Got some good Grand Daddy Purps and just sad down to enjoy that so I figure now be the perfect time to smoke and...
Finshaggy, it seems as though some of our posts are gone. I was going to go to your blog and use a review/picture but the address is gone. Can you send me the address again, or post it in this tread again. Thanks
Was going to do a strain review post today but now I dunno might do something else.
Here is a update for you all.
My next buds of the week pick is up on the blog. And there is only 10 days left to vote on the raffle prize.
Blog has been doing great. Nat Geo contacted me to do a post about there new show, which I did. Then some guy contacted me about
his book that will be...
Thanks. Yeah my blog has blown up lately. I got about 70% more traffic than I was getting just a few weeks ago. I already have half as many views this month as I have had since the blog was created.
I got a new buds of the week picture posted. I also will be doing the raffle in the near...
Hey blue. How is everything going?
I can't find my posts anywhere. I thought I already told you about your e-mail being hacked. I tried to find the post to see if you seen it and responded but I can't find it anywhere.
So yeah, your e-mail was hacked. I was getting a lot of spam from you...