okay once again 4 ever1 who missed .THIS YELLOW plant had been all through out germinated, seedling, veg, and flower,,has never lost its GREEN color IT NEVER had ANY ...........to the 1st two that pop out of the seed to NOW has kept its DISTINCT COLOR>>>>>>>>>>
if you were to read the whole thread i said earliear she look like she has no skirt i took MAD CLONES.....i enjoy help but hate critizism when peaople assume trhey know the plant better then me, i am baffled at the collor and thats why I POSTED this thread to see if any one could HELP me...
possible to FORCE her to make bannanas so i can PROCREATE pretty sure this is only one of its kind self pollination a possibility she has pistils female 4 sho
first pic off all and top looking down didnt EVEN HAVE FLASH!!!!!!first two no flash DUMMY oh i forgot you know this plant better then me you take care of it bro.Riiiiiiiight!!!!!!!!!!
and wanted to know if yall know what was the cause,cause i couldnt find why it was this color ....sorry had pushed post ...hadnt finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah he had let me do the weekly changes and i upped the N and pk a lil and its still retained its BRIGHT YELLOW characteristics thats when i finnaly posted this cause i TRIED to bring the GREEN i am usually accustomed too but no dice SHES TRUE YELLOW
so i already cloned her too got her sitting in som neoprenes she looks like she has no skirt cause i took MAD clones gonna HAVE to make copies of HER yep shes a SHE!!!!!!!!
READYY>>>>GOT PICS OF MELLOW YELLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and to all who thought i was lying so sorry this was the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!boss left time to post PICS!!!!!!!!!!
i AGREE wit you 100 percent Shoulda know this was gonna get the POT stirring but my homie stood me up yesterday thats why i posted cause i thought that she was on the way but posted to early and never showed up....but its a diffrent story this time i actuall have her in my possesion and am not...
oh its funny what people think they can diognose some else plant, when there not even remotly close to even see what this plant has been thru and what shes being fed..........i personally have fed this plant to try and correct it def. but it never happened instead more nutes made her...
okay now listen the HELL up yo, im at work right now and i do have the BEAUTIFUL mary wit me, but what yall have to under xtand is that i took that pic of da paper before my friend showed up here to my shop, so that when i took the plants pic i would include that in the still pic as well so...