Hey guys made a thread yesterday with question about cheap cloning equimpent
today my buddy gave me a pump for his fish tank and i had a rubberconter so i built this any problem i could see? i think the center one will not make it.
+++++ REPS
Thanks for the info this forum has help me...
SO, i finnished my new grow room
400 wat hps
2 intake fans 6"
2 outtake fans 6"
SO my question is two things whats the cheapest way to create a clone like house hold stuff i might have i dont want to spend any money at all\
And my temp in my room is about 21oc little over 70f is this good or...
Ive tired a few time with just a basic rapid roots gel. I took the cutting dipped them stripped abit of the stock. I haven really setup anything I just put it in a party cup and placed it under a cfl.
Any real cheap setups you can make?
dude i had basicaly the same cabinet and ill tell u my biggest problem was heat. i got so sick of it i took the door off and had 2 fans 6 inch blowin air out and 2 6 inch fans blowing in good luck
i though about using some kinda thin fabric so air could come in (if u deside to take the doors off)
Yea I understand that the light gives off heat the problem is when the light is off the temp drops! to like 10oc, which will kill my plants. Ive been able to keep some what of a stable temp right now between 23-27oc. Tomorrow I might buy some wheater stripping and cover my grow room in it. The...
My first grow I had it in just a basic closet from walmart for about 120. Spend maybe 50 on wire 20 on a timer and stuff. With that kinda buget I guess ur going to use cfls?
So basicaly the problem I have is this:
(I had to move my grow room)
Ill start with the basic run down of my grow room:
-400wat hps
-Growing Kush
-Mother earth, super thrive, and PH is fine.
Here a few pictures
This is the main entrance to the grow room
Don't mind the...
SO! I need to move my grow room. A friend of mine just gave me his very heathy mother! So my new grow room will be a tottaly fresh start.
46" widt 6 feet height at least and a good 6 feet wide.
Now I have one 400wat hps
Im just more concered about the room it self its not inslated at all...