but how much were tickets to it. i mean from what i saw they are like 300 bucks. or maybe i converted it wrong :smile:
oh and check out www.Sensation.com
lol yeah bro i bet you would old timer... lol jk. but i wouldn't go witht he flow i like to stand out. what can i say. i'm a attention grabber. and i have to go man. it's 2 of the things i want to do befor i die. go to amsterdam and the GREATEST PARTY IN THE WORLD. i mean whats not to love.
and like i said earlier you can only get shrooms from a cow that has been fed grains otherwise they wont produce shrooms and it is true my friends have had guns pulled on them many times going on to private property for this reason and others
the lies robbin banks the LIES... i just saw a marco V and 2007 sensation black and saw someone with a white shirt in the crowd. makes me want to go in all red to the white. LOL
like i said man if you want to mail to me i would definatly take it. but is SD a indica cuz i'm looking for a strong a potent pain reliever for my aunt. she has chronic pain. and she is the reason i grew some this year just so she won't always be in pain.... hell i'm not going to lie i grew some...
oh damn jesse nvm now i know what it is. i don't like to use un natural things on my plant. i use "Black strap" molasses. it even tells you the nutes in it. and makes great SWEET DENSE BUDS.
then you should have put more holes in it for drainade. i used nieces lego container that was big and i used a old trash container and got my knive and stabbed it many many many many many.... i think you get my point. but i don't have drainage problems. if you have a drain problem put more holes...
how big are the pots... and if your going to put them in pots thats smart easier to move if you have to... i am growing mine in the backyard and have had to move it a couple times because of weather or gas a electric man comeing to look at the meters.
you were at woodstock huh. i bet that is something that is always their in the back of your mind. i always felt i was born in the wrong decade. i wish i was born in 1951 to be 18 at woodstock. and good luck with your grows.
damn mine outside are already starting to flower. hell they have been since around july 26. and i tried to start some early august but the weather just wouldn't permit they dried up and died. but i live in oklahoma. but i mean why not try if they take. they take. if they don't try growing inside.
also if your trying to grow the shit to sell. grow as much as you can because if you get busted for one it's the same as getting busted for 99 plants after that if goes up to a bigger charge... and also if you are going to grow this shit do it all organic... because that will get your customers...
i used my own dirt. but it was also from my compost pile that sat out their for a year to it was RICH WITH NUTES. but it's my first time growing to and let me tell you it's hard work your first time around. i went from 5 plant to 2. i just had to destroy another one to being a male. ain't that a...