Even with the heat damage that fut nug with all the burnt leaves is still looking like some dank ass smoke. Don't be dissapointed just take this as a lesson learn from it GROW from it and your good bro its a learning game mane thats it.
Ya man I gotcha. I smoke all the time as well. It makes the days go by faster and me nicer hahaha. Anyways heres to the Saints kicking ass tommorow :joint:, and to me getting drunk drunk drunk hahahaha and stoned some point in the day hehe.
I gotcha my man. so what you planning on vegging for atleast 6 weeks? You gonna have some biggins. You planning on training any of them or just letting them grow natural?
Looking good there mane. Let 'em dry out a bit now hold back on the watering for a good couple days till they stand errect and almost to the droopping stage again. What kind of light schedule are they one again? Wait not you just said showing signs of male and female nevermind. Your fert...
Oh yes its just about to start. New pics on sunday night depending on how drunk I don't get hehehehe. In all acutallity probably pics on monday.
Oh yes in the next three weeks we will see them transform into resin oozing colas just begging to get chopped to make way for the new 4 haha.
There are a bunch of different kinds. Hit up the attitude and click the auto button. They got diesel ryders, great white shark autoflowers, white russian, blueberry, lemon shit go check it out.
Ya man I can make an 1/8 last me a week if I try hard enough. In three to four weeks I'll be a happy man. I won't have to buy for a good long while at least I hope it will last me he.
Oh bro trust I know what you mean. My last grow was Great White Shark. I'm telling you mane my friends were like in complete awe like they had never seen anything like it. ROCK HARD nugs just COVERED in ice you could barely see the hint of green the buds had haha. The shit was amazing. One...