heyy man. thanks for all the kind words! =) never had sum1 gimme so many great compliments. lol. its nice.
the full moon is my favorite smoke so far. i just harvested 2.. you can see the pics. i have 1 more bigger party cup plant. adn then 1 full sized plant as well... its been quite a while...
aiight guys. i harvested 2 of the small full moons. adn i still have 1 small 1 in a party cup. adn i have 1 full sized one as well. therye all doin great! they got pretty big for a party cup grow... 1 is bigger than the others. adn the full sized one is doing great!! glad i managed to keep a...
no problem. once i saw that article i bookmarked it immediately.. theres is alot of good info on it. =) sux about the NL auto seed tho. =/ but u still have a nice selection. =)
yeaa either way. its gonna look awesome wen its dried/cured. =) cant wait!! aww man ur luckyy... hmmm.. maybe wen i germ a few BSB seeds ill end up with a sour bubble pheno. ;) wen i do this lil sog.. they will all basically be 12-12 from seed... or maybe have a week of veg.. but once they show...
thanks man. that was a VERY VERY informative. u gave every single step! =) im gonna try this next time i germ seeds. which will be today. lol. hopefully this helps. =)
yeaaa ive done the paper towel method.. jsut spray the paper towel.. throw sum seeds in. and then put it in between 2 plates or sumthing to keep it dark... but im just wondering if theres anything else hes doing. because i do this. and dont get germ rates like that... im at 1/4 for the...
Black Sour Bubble x Casey Band
probably another week or so before i cut this baby down. =) lovely color.. im just curious how the high will be? its pretty frosty... hopin sum of bogs potency shines thru! ill be sure to let ya kno how it is. =) im very happy with the strain tho.
yeaa this is one of the best programs out there... i love the fact that u can add pics as well. adn its free too! it would be awesome if there was an app for ipods/android phone as well.. bu ti kno its probly gotta be alotta work. there are sum programs similar on the apple/android market.. but...
wow man... wait wats the 2nd pic/plant called? yo mama??? lol. regardless. its one of the frostiest ones ive seen in a longggg timeee! there is a nice coat of frost on all the leaves. even the bigger fan leaves adn it goes almost all the way to the end of the leaves... very impressive mannn
lmao. i didnt get it at 1st. hahaha went over my head. but yeaa shes got sum nice eyes. =) adn its funny her mom is white and has brown eyes... her dad is black and has brown eyes... but sumhow she ended up with green/blue eyes. hahahaha.
looks nice man. soooo many plants!!! XD gonna try...
lol. thanks guys. sucks... i had to black out the eyes.. jsut bcuz i dont wanna show her face.. but she has beautiful eyes... big blueish/green eyes.. one of her best features... her3es a pic of just her eyes.. hahahaha.
figured the last pic was "ok" since it had a fat bud of full moon in...
interestinggg.... =) lol. that would be pretty cool... especially since HC has the original seeds... and streets is growing the F3's that i created... =D it would be even more interesting to compare. they looks fuckin great tho streets!!!! very very nice. nice tight node spacing as well.
lookin good maneee. like the lil bit of color on the leaves. looks nice!! wish i could send ya a cut from this bsb x caseyband.. the color is amazingggg!! needa learn how to overnight clones. =)