When you do acid it leaves acid bubbles on your spine for ever! And if you ever hit your spine hard enough & hit one of the bumps it opens & releases acid... then you trip... lol I heard this 100s of times in high school!
Here is a better one! It's pretty much the best pic ever!
We knew they smoked, we smell it all the time. One time I had a mega migraine & was out of buds & my husband happen to run into him, then he just asked if he had any for me.... & it's been great ever since!
It's great we all have awesome people around us!
Dude!!! He just did it again! That's funny, I posted this because I haven't seen him for almost 2 weeks! ROTFLMFAO! ha! He must have read my mind! This time it's an 8th... looks like kush cookies are coming his way!!!
I used to grow right out of high school. Just started growing again with my Husband, it's a hobby I never thought we would do together! lol He doesn't even smoke! All for me! MuaHAhAHHAHA! <3
LOLOLOLOL, wow. I thought Eurpoe was way ahead of the times. I thought for sure women were looked at the same. But none the less, thanks for you're "welcome" I guess. lol!