I dont know if it is strain dependent or not, but I had a super og that kept shooting out calyx's the entire time... I had to go by trichome color and chop when they said she was ready...
so if we are doing air exchanges and such... it is not like any sealed rooms i have...the outside air only gets in when i open the door to come in... co2 allows the plants to grow..in a sealed room you are using a burner or tank.. not outside air...outside air is to cool the lights... air goes...
If you have a sealed room.. it is just that a sealed room... You may want to exhaust the lights.. Fresh air in through the lights then out... But you are not exchanging the air in a sealed room.... Use a Co2 Monitor.. when lights go out it cuts the Co2 out and then kicks on when the lights come...
I get these cigar wraps and roll one giant blunt.. god dam near haf ounce, couple puffs and i am good.. dont really care about anyone else, but they are usully just fine!
I just checked... this is the first line in their description
Split every 1000w HPS lighting system (with magnetic ballast) into two 600w
SunPulse lighting systems!
Looks like you need a magneti ballast
My shit is the stinkiest when I forget to turn on the ozone.... I have to say week 5 or 6.... thats when the pineapple chunk start packing on weight....
I would not worry too much.. mites like live stuff... they need a host... so the bulk of the little fuckers should leave..... when you vacuumed you should have sucked up some.... But there will be some dead ones or stragglers... If you have smoked herb at all I am sure you smoke a couple of...
I think the method would basically give you honey oil, I am pretty sure you would not have any bubble hash since it will dissolve the triches, just like when you make tinctures with alcohol, I could be wrong..I would definately keep the liquid because I have a feeling that would be the gold ...